One week = Showtime!

Hey Ken McGraw, actor portraying R.O.R.Y.
Could you give us those sweet deets?


SAT 8/13 – 8:00pm – Tickets
TUE 8/16 – 5:00pm – Tickets
WED 8/17 – 9:30pm – Tickets
FRI 8/19 – 3:45pm – Tickets
WED 8/24 – 4:00pm – Tickets

Thanks Ken!
Can’t wait to show everyone the work we’ve put into this.  You’re all beautiful pervballs!!!!


Tickets On Sale Now!


Greetings, sweet reader!

This is Randy, the dude whose face is plastered everywhere.  I’ve been writing a comedy show for a while now and I’d love for you to see it.  It’s my passion project.  Which means I had sex with the script.  Do not recommend. Paper cuts.

Tickets Available HERE

There are five performances in August.  Rehearsals are underway and I have a stellar team, whom you can meet in the CAST tab.  Speaking of tabs, how many do you have open right now?  Currently, I have twelve. Opening too many tabs is a huge theme of the show. See? Reading my blog rewards you with sneak peeks! Here’s another gift…  a shiny gold star straight from the shiny gold star factory (in Kalamazoo):

