
One week = Showtime!

Hey Ken McGraw, actor portraying R.O.R.Y.
Could you give us those sweet deets?


SAT 8/13 – 8:00pm – Tickets
TUE 8/16 – 5:00pm – Tickets
WED 8/17 – 9:30pm – Tickets
FRI 8/19 – 3:45pm – Tickets
WED 8/24 – 4:00pm – Tickets

Thanks Ken!
Can’t wait to show everyone the work we’ve put into this.  You’re all beautiful pervballs!!!!


Portrait of a Light Designer

Alex does a spectacular job lighting us bozos.  It’s only appropriate the skylight in DROM would light him like an angel.


Alex threatened to replace every sound cue with a really vulgar one.  Will this come to fruition?  Find out at one of our 5 performances!

TICKETS: Click Here


Venue Prep

Today was our day in DROM to prep for some killer FringeNYC shows.


The stage is BEAUTIFUL (as is the chandelier & enormous bar).  Get there early, grab a drink and settle in!  August 13th is opening night and our Fringe Plus show, which simply means big party afterwards!  Believe me, this cast will be ready for it.




Murphy’s Law of Air Travel

Never plan a rehearsal the day you’re flying in. Ever.

We had our first full cast rehearsal on Wednesday. I was in North Carolina for business and expected to return Tuesday.  After a messy start to the trip, my outbound was postponed to Wednesday. Fine, I thought. I could make this work. Just like the guy with two dates in a sitcom, I could not.

Wednesday was a laundry list of flight delays.  I texted Fearless Director Jake that I would be cutting it close.. which became an hour late.. which became two hours.  But a sign of hope! The plane was ready to board! People were lining up! And then! And then……. canceled.

“I missed my own show’s first rehearsal.”

Or did I?

13669135_10153790373589077_5969051499737528564_nRehearsal in the year 2016

My badass team SKYPED me in to participate and it worked like a charm for 3 hours! (Okay so maybe my face was frozen the whole time. But I could see them and they could hear me!)  It was magical, productive, and on-brand for what this show is about.  If you have a strong team, any obstacle can be conquered. Looking forward to next rehearsal’s surprise blizzard and bear attack.


Tickets On Sale Now!


Greetings, sweet reader!

This is Randy, the dude whose face is plastered everywhere.  I’ve been writing a comedy show for a while now and I’d love for you to see it.  It’s my passion project.  Which means I had sex with the script.  Do not recommend. Paper cuts.

Tickets Available HERE

There are five performances in August.  Rehearsals are underway and I have a stellar team, whom you can meet in the CAST tab.  Speaking of tabs, how many do you have open right now?  Currently, I have twelve. Opening too many tabs is a huge theme of the show. See? Reading my blog rewards you with sneak peeks! Here’s another gift…  a shiny gold star straight from the shiny gold star factory (in Kalamazoo):

